Sunday, August 9, 2015

we're all beggars

There is nothing that bothers me more than someone being judged based off of their past. If there is one thing I've learned, it's that the past makes you who you presently are - whether that's someone to be proud of or someone that needs a little bit of work.

There are a lot of amazing people that have had a rough past; people have made the worst mistakes and have gone through the most terrible things and yet today they live incredible lives that are astounding and inspiring.

I'm definitely one that is so thankful for the things I've gone through in my life - without them I wouldn't have the knowledge, insights, and even empathy that I currently have. Going through all the rough patches and the ups and downs has made me truly happy - a happy that I couldn't be if I didn't have to go through all I've been through.

Our teacher in Sunday school referenced the talk, "Are We Not All Beggars?" by Jeffrey R. Holland (Click for link) and I loved the thoughts that came to my head after discussing this talk.

"For one thing, we can, as King Benjamin taught, cease withholding our means because we see the poor as having brought their misery upon themselves. Perhaps some have created their own difficulties, but don't the rest of us do exactly the same thing? Isn't that why this compassionate ruler asks, 'Are we not all beggars?' Don't we all cry out for help and hope and answers to prayers? Don't we all beg for forgiveness for mistakes we have made and troubles we have caused? Don't we all implore that grace will compensate for our weaknesses, that mercy with triumph over justice at least in our case?"

I love the thought that we are all beggars. I'm sure that there has, or will be, a point in each of our lives where we will "cry out for help and hope and answers to prayers".... a time where we will find ourselves "beg[ging] for forgiveness for mistakes we have made and troubles we have caused".

Whatever your reason be for seeking heavenly guidance and help, whether that be because you're having a rough day... or because you're struggling with an addiction... or attempting to find relief from committing an immoral sin, we're all beggars.

Each of us came into this life fully aware that we would make mistakes - because we have to! None of us started out perfect because perfection is our ultimate goal. If we were already perfect there would be no reason for us to be here. There would have been no reason for a Savior or for His Atonement. Earth was designed for us to come and mess up so that we could learn, grow, and progress toward perfection.

So, yes. ALL have made mistakes. All WILL make mistakes; because we have to! It's part of our mortal existence.

Now, obviously the level of mistakes we make differs for every individual; I know that my weaknesses and struggles are not the same as my neighbors... but we all will make mistakes throughout our lives.

One thing that I feel incredibly strongly about.... is that it doesn't matter what the sin/mistake/weakness/struggle is. We are all God's children and He loves us totally and completely. To me, I don't think it should matter what we have done because we are the same in the aspect that we are children of the same Heavenly Parents.

I've met many wonderful individuals that have inspired me more than they're aware that have had some of the most difficult pasts. I have friends that have a plethora of bad days but choose to see the good in them, no matter how difficult (my friend, Marissa shares her story on her blog. You should check it out in the link on her name). I have friends that are teen parents. I have friends that struggle with addiction. I know individuals that have been through some of the hardest things - and it almost doesn't seem fair. But the cool thing is, they've learned from their mistakes and have blossomed into some of the most amazing individuals I've met in my life.

When I look at them I don't remember the mistakes they've made. I don't judge their actions. I don't laugh or point or mock. I just smile. I smile because they've overcome some of life's most difficult things. I smile because they're happy. I smile because they have experienced a change of heart. I smile because they've used the beautiful gift of the Atonement that our Savior, Jesus Christ has so lovingly and willingly given to each of us.

And I believe that is how our Savior looks at each of us.

Not with eyes of scorn. Not with eyes of disappointment or sadness. But with eyes filled with a perfect brightness of hope. Eyes filled with love. Eyes filled with compassion and mercy.

My absolute favorite quote comes from Jeffry R. Holland: "...however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is NOT possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines." Emphasis added.

Our Father in Heaven gave His Only Begotten Son so that we could return back to Him. Christ came to this earth to be an example for us. He came to experience all the pains and sins that anyone would ever know or go through. He suffered and died on the cross so that we could have and use the Atonement - the one thing that helps us get back to Him.

The Lord smiles brightly when we let the Atonement into our lives. I'm sure that nothing makes Him more happy than an individual simply trying. The cool thing about this gospel is that there are no second chances... there are MANY chances. We can fail over and over again and we will never run out of chances to use the Atonement.

If we are striving to be more like Christ, shouldn't we be striving to see His other children through the same eyes? There have been a few moments where I believe I have felt the strong love our Heavenly Father has for each of His children. I had a dear friend tell me something she had done. I listened to her and watched her cry while she sat on my bed. Rather than turning away with disgust, I gave her a big hug. I told her that I knew her Heavenly Father loved her and that she could return to Him if she just tried. In that moment, light and warmth filled my heart. I didn't view her as a dirty sinner, I looked at her as the beautiful daughter of God that she is!

Life is too hard for us to be judging, pointing or laughing. Each of us have to go through our own specific set of trials and struggles. Our lives are a masterpiece designed by the Savior - the ups and downs are what makes it beautiful!

I know that our Savior loves us. So much more than we will be able to comprehend in this life. He understands what it's like to be tempted because He gets it. He knows how hard it sometimes is just to get through another day.

Despite all the negative and bad that goes on around us or maybe that goes on within us... the Lord loves us. There is hope. Through Him, we can find refuge from the storm. We can be lifted up. Through Him, our burdens can be at ease. He didn't die for nothing... He died for YOU. Despite what you may think, you are not exempt from His Atonement and love. It IS within your reach.

I believe that no matter how difficult the road forward may seem... that it will always be worth it to hold the Lord's hand and accept His help all along the way.

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