Sunday, March 29, 2015

the past little while.....

The past few weeks have been amazing! I've had such a great time with my friends and family and have loved the warmer weather. So excited for summer!

Last week Morgan had her bridal shower. I can't believe she's getting married!! But I'm so excited for both her and Jeff. 

{Jessica, Morgan, Morgan's cousin, Morgan's friend, Kayla, Me, EmmaLee, Callie}

I'm so thankful for Morgan and the wonderful example that she is for me. She's been with me through many ups and downs and has become one of my dearest and closest friends. I'm excited for the new adventure that she'll be experiencing for the rest of her life. Love you, Morgan!!

This here, is David Smith. He's a pretty great guy. We've had a good time laughing with and at each other the past few months as we've gotten to know each other. He's another person than I'm so thankful for. He's been an incredible example to me and I've loved every minute that I get to spend with him. 

Last weekend we went to a New Orleans dinner dance at Westlake for a Jazz fundraiser. We had a good time dancing and eating dinner. The Jazz band did great!

Last night was the Women's conference. It was fantastic! The theme seemed to be the family - since it's the 20th anniversary of the family proclamation to the world. I had such a great time with all of these beautiful women in my life.

{Mom, Aunt Valorie, Aunt Letha, Kailey, Me, Ashlyn, Sydnee, Hollie}

I'm so thankful for my family and the chance that I get to be with them forever and ever. Even though we have our ups and downs with each other, there isn't a crazier bunch of people I'd want to spend eternity with. I'm so thankful for my parents and for the wonderful example they are to me. I'm especially thankful for my beautiful mother - I hope to be half the woman that she is. She is the perfect example of all that a mother should and can be. She's hard working, loving, sweet, gentle, kind, determined, patient, and so much more. Listening to the speakers last night, I couldn't help but feel excited for my future family. Of course - I'm in no rush whatsoever, but I'm excited to marry in the temple with a righteous man at my side - someone to call my husband. Someone to say 'I love you' to. Someone to be the father of our future children. I know that the family is so important to this gospel. More than ever, Satan is attacking the family - we need to make sure we're constantly working on becoming stronger so that we can face Satan and his attacks.

I'm SO excited for General Conference this next weekend! I know that the words that are being prepared are exactly what we will need to hear. I know that the Lord will bless us with the answers and peace we are seeing if we will have faith and an open heart to hear His words.

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