Saturday, February 21, 2015


A few weeks ago my flutes came over for our end of the season party. We had fun eating pizza and destroying the basement - sorry mom and dad.

{Sharie, Kaylee, Talia, Brooke, Barbara, Autumn, me, Kenzie, Cailtyn, Sara}

I'm so grateful to have each of these amazing and talented girls in my life. I enjoy teaching them more and more every day. 

I had a good friend of mine recommend I try Chipotle. Another friend of mine came home for the weekend so we went! It was good!

Hollie turned 12!!! I was sitting in the temple a week ago and thought: "Oh my goodness! Hollie gets to come to the temple!! Do they even have jump suits small enough for her??" Unfortunately we haven't found out yet. Hollie and I woke up on Saturday morning to find out the baptistry was backed up THREE hours! Holy cow!! I've never seen it so busy. But what a good problem to have, right?? We decided to come back another day. She'll get to go in soon!

Work is going well. I'm still an HRA analyst until at least April. Still crossing my fingers he'll hire me full time. If not, I go back to ADP - which is fine as well :). 

I finally got my transcripts sent over from BYU-Idaho and the high school to UVU. I'm actually getting really excited to start school in the fall!

Elementary band is going great!! I had one of my cute flute students bring me this note the other day. Pretty much made my day :). It's all the little things like this that make the stress and frustrations of teaching totally worth it. The first ever Westlake Flute Choir performed at solo and ensemble the other day. We ended up getting a 2 - I'm proud for the first time ever! 

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