Monday, November 24, 2014

beauty in simple things

Serendipity [ser-en-dip-i-ty] noun.
       finding something good without looking for it.
           an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
     the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something truly wonderful, especially while looking for for something entirely unrelated.

'The universe is always speaking to us... sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.'
   -Nancy Thayer

Serendipity. What an absolutely splendid word.

Let life surprise you. What a completely terrifying, yet peaceful phrase.

'Someday we will find what we are looking for. Or maybe we won't. Maybe we will find something much greater than that.'

Rasasvada [rusaasvaad] noun.
       the taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts.

I love the beauty in the absolute simplest of things....

   The way the sun breaks over the tops of the mountains in the morning
       The moment when your eyes flutter open at the start of a new day
 The sparkle of the frost on your wind shield
           The soft rustle of the leaves on the trees
    The beautiful smile that spreads across the face of someone you love
 The infectious laughter of a random stranger
       The sound of Christmas music playing softly through the store
    The time spent with those we love

Often times I think we feel overwhelmed and a tad crazy as we run from one thing to the next. We have so much to do and so little time. Stress is felt almost daily. We don't smile as often as we should and take time to appreciate the beauty in the absolute simplest of things.

Today, I took a small back and appreciated the small, random things that God has put into my life that make me happy. We are so blessed and often take the little things for granted.

Growing up, I tried to make a plan for myself. I was going to graduate from high school. Lose a bunch of weight. Be super hot. Go to college at BYU-Idaho. Find a Peter Priesthood to hold my hand and call my boyfriend and make all the girls jealous. Major in music education. Teach music. Become an amazing flautist. Marry a good lookin' guy in the temple. Have a bunch o' kids. And then of course, live happily ever after.

Obviously. My life has not turned out this way. And I'd be down right shocked if your life has turned out the way you've planned it to be. If it has.... I'm insanely jealous. And I'm sure countless other people could join me.

Truth is... our lives will never turn out how we want them to. Something is always going to happen. You won't be as happy doing something you figured you'd be. You'd find something more interesting. Your boyfriend that you swore you were going to marry will dump you for your friend. A family member will die. You'll move away from your home. You'll lose a leg. Whatever it may be... your life will never turn out how you've planned it to.

Why? Cause we have a Heavenly Father. Who loves us. A lot. And He knows what's best for us. We might think we know what we want... but in all honesty, we don't.

Instead of trying to plan out every single detail of our lives... I hope you can take a step back. Appreciate the beauty in the simple things. And just live. Let God design your story. Do what's right and stay on track and don't settle for anything less than your best. But give the paint brush to God. Let Him paint your picture, write your story, sing your song... whatever. Let Him be in control. I promise you what He has in His mind is far greater than what's floating around in yours.

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