Sunday, October 5, 2014

Starting Fresh

This is my favorite time of year. The leaves are turning beautiful shades of red, brown, and orange. The air has a slight crisp to it. Kids start excitedly picking out Halloween costumes. Candy corn begins to make a regular appearance. Pumpkin everything! Sweaters and boots. Blankets and hot chocolate. And...... General Conference.

This weekend we were blessed to hear from some of God's beloved sons and daughters, one of them being our Prophet. Every year I miss the Saturday session because of band. This year, I excitedly awaited conference weekend because I didn't have any band competition. Unfortunately, I was scheduled to work and couldn't listen to any of the talks. I also missed the women's session but I'm so excited to read all of the talks!! I did get to see both the sessions on Sunday and absolutely loved them.

General Conference weekend is always a time where I feel like I can start fresh... wipe my slate clean and start over. I always pray that I'll hear exactly what I need to hear and that I'll be inspired to do anything the Lord would have me do. Once conference is over, I take what I've learned and set new goals for myself. The past few months have been a bit rocky for me. I've had friends and family tell me I haven't been my happy, cheerful self-which has bothered me. If you asked me why I wasn't my happy normal self, I'd tell you that I honestly have no clue. I can't ever put my finger on it. As I sat back and enjoyed conference in my pajamas, I realized I've probably been lacking somewhat in the gospel. Reading my scriptures and saying prayers has just been another thing I check off the list. Aside from doing the little things, I don't go above and beyond to feel the spirit. Realizing this today helped me to understand that this is probably why I haven't felt very happy. I'm seriously lacking the spiritual high I usually feel.

Once I realized some things probably need to change, I was able to set some personal goals for myself for the next few months. I can't wait for the conference ensign to come to my home. I always love what our church leaders say to us. They help inspire me to be my best self. I'm so very thankful that the Lord inspired them to say the things they did. 

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