Sunday, May 25, 2014

Modest is Truly Hottest

Today in Relief Society we had a lesson on being in the world, but not of it. We read from Chapter 19 in the Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith book. At first this was just a regular lesson, but when our teacher split us into groups to go over a few of the topics covered in the chapter, it became so much more.

My small group was assigned the topic: Dressing modestly and keeping the law of chastity. We read through the few paragraphs assigned and as I began sharing my feelings on modesty, I realized how important this was to me. And honestly, it surprised me.

Modesty has always been very important to me. I've never worn a short skirt or a revealing top. Being modest has never been a hard thing for me. But for some reason today, I developed a love for modesty and keeping the law of chastity and wanted to share a few thoughts on the subject.

"The Latter-day Saints should not follow the fashions and the immodesty of the world. We are the people of the Lord. He expects us to live clean, virtuous lives, to keep our thoughts clean and minds pure and faithful in the observance of all his other commandments. Why should we follow the world, why can we not be modest, why can't we do the things the Lord would have us do?
As I walk along the streets on my way to or from the Church Office Building, I see both young and older women, many of them "daughters of Zion," who are immodestly dressed. I realize that times of fashions do change.
... [But] the principle of modesty and propriety is still the same... The standards expressed by the General Authorities of the Church are that women, as well as men, should dress modestly. They are taught proper deportment and modesty at all times.
It is, in my judgement, a sad reflection on the "daughters of Zion" when they dress immodestly. Moreover, this remark pertains to the men as well as to the women. The Lord gave commandments to ancient Israel that both men and women should cover their bodies and observe the law of chastity at all times.
I am making a plea for modest and chastity and for all the members of the Church, male and female alike, to be chaste, clean in their lives, and obedient to the covenants and commandments the Lord has given us...
...The wearing of immodest clothing, which may seem like a small matter, takes something away from our young women or young men in the Church. It simply makes it more difficult to keep those eternal principles by which we all have to live if we are to return to the presence of our Father in heaven." {Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, Chapter 19}

This was the small section that we read and I absolutely loved it. We were asked, after reading the section, to explain how this makes us better members of this church. I'm from Utah, where almost everyone you meet is a member of the church. However, this doesn't mean that I haven't met many wonderful and good people that weren't members of this church. On family vacations I'm surrounded by people that choose to live differently than I do. And one of the ways they live differently than I, is their choice of clothing. Never have I judged and looked at another person and thought negative thoughts towards them for wearing what they do, but I do know how I feel about how I dress.

As I said before, dressing modestly has never been a struggle for me. I have never been tempted to just wear the dress without a shrug over it or to wear the skirt a few inches above my knees because I thought it was cute. And today I asked myself the question: Why do I dress modestly?

The answer was clear and simple: because I respect myself. When I dress modestly, it is because I care for the body that I was given. Christ made me with His hands, and He loves me. I came to earth to receive this body. Subconsciously, I decided to always dress modestly, to show respect to my body and gratitude to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with a body that can do amazing things every single day.

Whenever I look at another person in this gospel, I think of them as children of our Heavenly Father. But I feel as though those that choose to dress in such a manner pleasing to God, that they know who they are and they recognize their divine potential. And what a great thing that is to me!

I know the importance of dressing modestly and keeping our thoughts clean and pure and know that if we dress modestly ourselves we can help to keep the thoughts of others clean and pure as well. Today was the first time I've ever wondered why exactly I dress modestly. Is it because that's what I was just taught? Yes, it is. But I have my free agency and can choose to do as I want, so really thinking about why I dress modestly today was very eye opening and helped me to respect myself and others so much more.

I couldn't figure out how to put the mormon message down here, but as I watched it I absolutely loved it! I love what Sister Dalton said at the beginning, her words were very inspiring and touching to me. I also love that faith that young woman had to instead wear another dress, rather than participate in a dance where she'd have to wear something more immodest. The Savior is able to be with us when we're modestly dressed and showing our respect to our bodies.

I am so thankful to be blessed with family members and amazing friends that choose to dress modestly. I'm constantly impressed and inspired by their examples to me.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to everything you've said Cambri! Thank you so much for always being a good example! You're amazing.


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