Monday, March 24, 2014

We had our FHE brothers over the other night and Isabel challenged Preston to drinking a 1/2 cup of spaghetti sauce. Thinking he wouldn't do such a thing, she found herself staring at 1/2 a cup of spaghetti sauce and wishing she hadn't challenged him. It did take a while, but she did indeed finish the 1/2 cup. 

Travor (FHE Brother) had his birthday a few weeks prior to the baking of this cake. He didn't tell anybody and the announcement of his birthday wasn't posted to Facebook, so once we found out he had aged another year, we put our heads together and found a PERFECT cake to make for him. It didn't turn out quite like we thought...

You can kind of see the checkers!

We used the apples and sprinkles to distract from the beauty of this cake, which we named: "Mayhem". 

I was with Isabel in her room and looked up and saw a spider on the ceiling!! Rather than trying to help her, I pulled out my phone and began taking pictures. I'm so nice....

{Grace & I listening to bands}

This past week I went to Reno, Nevada with the BYU-Idaho Symphony Band and had a blast! So grateful I had the opportunity to be in this band and help share all of our many talents. 

{Maddy & I listening to bands}

{Downtown Reno}

{Maddy & I}

Our flute section!! Love each of these girls so much and so glad I got the chance to meet and get to know them better.

Waiting to go on to the stage

17 more days!!! Only 17 more days and I'm home for Spring break! And once that is over I'll have successfully completed my first semester of college and will begin Spring Semester before returning home for longer than just a weekend!! Seriously cannot wait! But I have been having so much fun here and couldn't be more grateful for the chance to be here, the education and experiences I've had and gained, and the relationships I've been able to build with roommates and others. 

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