Sunday, January 5, 2014

Imma College Chick

Well-I made it! I'm all settled in and unpacked and ready for a great first day of classes here at BYU-Idaho. I'm just praying every single second that I'll be able to find my classes tomorrow as well as do an okay job on my audition for ensembles in the afternoon.

I'm so glad both of my parents were able to come up and help me unload and go grocery shopping. It was so fun to spend the day with them and I already miss them like crazy!!

My roommates (Isabel, Angie and Rachel) wrote this on our little chalk board. It made me really happy :). I'm excited to continue getting to know these girls! I'm already laughing my head off and loving each of them.

Last night we had I-Night and I had such a great time with two of my roommates as we roamed around the campus going to various activities. We played black light mini golf, stood in line for laser tag for about 20 minutes before deciding the wait just wasn't worth it, listened to karaoke for a while and then ended the night at a super fun dance.

Also loving my ward and each of the members and can't wait to get to know more of them as well! There are 70 boys and 40 girls. It's quite insane! But I'm excited to start getting to know people :).

Wish me luck tomorrow! I think I'm more terrified than excited!

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