Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 Here I Come!!

2013 has been a great year for me-definitely one I'm always going to remember...

-Placed 4th Chair in the Utah All-State Honor Band-performed in Abravanel Hall
-Was asked to Staff at Westlake High School with their WW's and accepted :)
-Sat first chair and played a solo in Wind Symphony
-Got a 1 on my solo at State
-Went to Prom with Chad Squires
-Was one of the students awarded "Outstanding Wind Symphony Woodwind"
-Moved on to the Singles Ward
-Finished the Dental Assisting program for MATC-now a certified DA
-Graduated from American Fork High!!
-Graduated from Seminary
-Went to Girls Camp as a leader
-Earned my Personal Progress Medallion (Finally!)
-Turned 18
-Got my first advanced flute-brand spankin' new!
-Got my first Smart Phone
-Staffed at Westlake HS and absolutely LOVED every second of it-4A state champions and 4th overall (second Utah band next to American Fork)!
-Worked at Extend Health as an ADP
-Won "Speedy" 5 times and the weekly trophy twice at Extend Health
-Signed up for College classes
-Getting ready to leave for BYU-Idaho!!

"If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page." -Mark Houlahan

The beginning of a New Year is a time for us to reflect on the past-the good, the bad, the sad, the happy, the positive and negative and thank God for all He's given us. It's also a time for us to set new goals to be a better us for the next year.

While 2013 was a great year for me, there are many things I'd like to change about and for myself. Here are just a few of my goals...

-Start the Book of Mormon over and finish it
-Participate in a Service Project
-Start preparing for an LDS Mission (note that this is not me saying I'm for sure going on a mission, but they do say that the best way to prepare for your future is to prepare to serve a mission)
-Change my diet & exercise habits (running a 5K with my mom this Summer)
-Limit the use of my phone
-Do freaking awesome in school
-Do something I've never done before
-Meet new people & make new friends (be more social in general)
-Save as much money as I can during school & continue saving when I come home
-Improve on my flute & music skills
-Read more books
-Tell others around me I love and appreciate them more

I wish you all a Happy New Year's and hope you're all able to reflect happily on the year as well as set new goals for 2014.

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