Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blessings in Disguise

Life here at BYU-Idaho is amazing. The spirit is everywhere. We pray in every single class, dress up on Tuesdays and have a devotional... teachers even incorporate the gospel into our classes! It's so cool! But in addition to all of the amazingness... there is a bunch of stress-at least for me. Going into each class has brought up new challenges and more things to stress about. But like my mom said, one day at a time.

Today I was preparing for an english class I have tomorrow and we had to read "Out of Your Experience Here" by President Gordon B. Hinckley and it proved to be more than 'just an assignment'. Previous to reading the speech, I was having a nervous breakdown after getting out of my Master Class. After I calmed down and realized it was all going to turn out okay, I ran over to the Library and printed it out and began to read.

"I remind each of you that it is a previous experience to walk through the beauty of these grounds and to I've a very important part of your life in the excellent abilities that have been provided for you." President Hinckley was addressing BYU Provo students but I felt as though this applied to me as well. I feel so incredibly blessed to be on such an amazing campus. Every single person here is amazing and kind. It's cool to be surrounding with all of these amazing LDS students. You don't have to worry about bringing up religion or offending someone-because we all believe in the same things!

"...For some of you graduation is relatively near, just a few months away. For most of you it seems far away and an almost unattainable goal. I assure you, notwithstanding your fears, that it will come faster than you may think." For some reason this paragraph brought me peace. Right now-graduation seems impossible! Being a music ed major is going to be insanely hard but with a lot of hard work, practice and time... I'll get there :).

"The great institution of which each of you is now a part if maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the promise that out of your experience here will come a love for God, our Eternal Father, and his Only Begotten Son, the Savior and the Redeemer of the World." I love that I can come to school and get a great education as well as come closer to my Father in Heaven. I can already feel our relationship growing as I've pleaded for help to get through classes and to be able to accomplish all that I have to do.

"Your experiences will be challenging, but they will be sweet and enriching, and you will become the means of bringing good to all whose lives you touch." I especially loved this last small sentence. Yes-definately challenging... 'but they will be sweet and enriching'. I love that. It gives me peace and hope. I also love that the things I do here will touch the lives of others. Being a music ed major I'll get to have many chances to perform all kinds of technical things and songs. We're going to Reno in March to perform for a whole bunch of different High Schools on the way and finally our major performance in Reno. Once I graduate and maybe find myself teaching at a High School, I'll be able to use the skills and knowledge I've gained to help other students find a love for music I've been able to have.

I just had to share these few paragraphs from President Hinckley-because it brought me so much peace and confidence in myself as I read it. I can do this, I can get through college. And right now-I can get through the tough and craziness that music will require.

For Your Information.... I was called as a Gospel Doctrine teacher and I'm teaching this coming Sunday... AHH! Not quite sure why I was called as a teacher, but I know the Lord needs me there and I'll do the very best I can. Just please pray for me!! :D

I also auditioned to be in different Ensembles for band and made Symphony Band. Which, apparently first semester students don't typically get into, so I feel very blessed for the opportunity to be part of such an amazing group of students. Today in class we sight read a few of our pieces for Reno. Holy crap are they tough! But I'm excited to crack down and tackle them and do amazing :).

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