Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Rexburg Adventures

I've been here more than a week and absolutely loving it! The cold does get pretty unbearable but I'm definitely enjoying my time with roommates and walking around campus. 

The other day I made my first real meal all by myself, and for myself. I think it turned out pretty good for my first meal :). I have yet to make the hard stuff... hopefully that turns out okay!

I've discovered the "JCW's of Rexburg"-Sammy's. We've been there twice for "homework breaks". The second time we asked to write on the wall because of the hundreds (literally) of signatures and messages written all over. We can now officially say we've signed the wall at Sammy's!

K.... doing homework here is crazy! There are some nights each of us are up until 2:00 doing homework. But the best is when we're all homeworked out and we take a "small" break to give our minds a re-boost. Yesterday Isabel stuck her ear phones into her nostrils and opened her mouth the play the music. She wouldn't let me get a picture of her (don't blame her) but I thought it was quite funny as we laughed so hard our stomaches hurt.

After a long day at school and cleaning our apartment in 10 minutes before Alicia came to do clean checks, we were exhausted. So we ordered pizza and decided to have an unhealthy day. We put our names as Dora The Explorer and Michael Jackson (Isabel is obsessed) on the online delivery order.

The pizza delivery guy disappointed us when he didn't use our names, but we still had fun eating our piece of "paradise" for the day (Isabel started singing "paradise", so we wrote Domino's and told them thanks for the paradise). 

To end the day, three of us (Isabel, Rachel and I) ordered Kiwi Loco (frozen yogurt that they deliver to your door!!). We each put our names as a superhero. Rachel was Captain America, Isabel the real batman and I was Iron Man). This time we weren't disappointed when we opened the door. The deliverer said: "Is this where the hero's live??" YES! :D. Pretty much made our night :).

A few random stories I just HAVE to remember: the other day Isabel and I were doing laundry. We had been up and down the stairs three or four times moving clothes from the washer to the dryer. Finally they were done so we went to grab our fresh clothes. On the way there, Isabel stopped at the wrong door and attempted to peak into the window, but instead the door swung open on a couple sitting on a couch. She quickly closed the door and we ran into the laundry room laughing. She was thoroughly embarrassed.

Also... clean checks. Those were today. So I rushed home after my class ended at 1:45 to attempt to get the apartment clean. Angie had a person coming to clean the bathroom for her, but didn't end up showing. So Isabel and I frantically started cleaning the bathroom only to find we didn't have the proper cleaning supplies for everything. She turned the shower on to make it look like we worked on the bath and poured dish soap into the toilet in an attempt to properly clean it. Yes-it did work. There is literally never a dull moment with Isabel. She's so funny and I love laughing our guts out at midnight when we should be getting ready for bed. So happy to have these three girls as my roommates!!

Life as a music ed major.... it's only half way through the second week and I'm burning out. But I do love it and I'm enjoying learning the things I've learned thus far and can't wait to continue expanding my knowledge. So thankful to come to such an amazing university!!

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