Monday, October 21, 2013

it's been quite a while...

I can't believe it's been this long since I've posted! So much has happened and I can't wait to share! WARNING!: long post :).

i have the prettiest best friends in the world
Four of my friends came home to visit! Unfortunately I only got to spend about fifteen minutes with three of them and took a picture with only two. But nonetheless I love them all and literally cannot wait until they come home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks!
EmmaLee & I
Marissa & I. This girl is at BYUI. Where I'll be in just a few short months! I get so excited (and perhaps a bit jealous) hearing about all the amazing things she gets to be apart of :).

Pretty sure I text these two every day :). Oh well! I love it and so do they :).

af family night!
I had so much fun watching my American Fork buddies perform their show at their annual family night! I'll admit it was a bit weird sitting up in the stands instead of marching, but I loved screaming and rooting for each of them! Especially my fluties :). 

Faith & I. She's a ditcher and went to Lone Peak but I still love her anyway :).

Natalie & I :). Man does she play a killer flute solo!! Love every bit of her.

BreAnne & I :)

Melanie & I :)

Summer & I :). Man... she's such a bully ;). But I love her to death! She's one of my absolute favorite rookies! Although-she's no rookie anymore!! So happy she asked me to follow her around on the marching band field during the family march, even though I didn't do so hot ;). 

Kayla & I :). Can you say, best section leader ever?! Love this girl :).

The 2013 AF Flute Section :). Sure do miss all these beautiful girlies!

marching thunder
band band band :). how much I absolutely LOVE it!! This season with Westlake has been nothing but incredible! They've done amazing and I'm one very proud staff member!!

My CRAZY flutes!

Visiting my AF flutes..... and Callie ;).

BYU COMP!! Everybody who knows me knows this is my absolute favorite competition! And when EmmaLee & Morgan surprised us all and came to the competition-it made it even better! Westlake took second at that competition but MAN! did they perform a freaking amazing show :).

The whole Westlake Band :)

Last football game with these crazy kids! I've had so much fun sitting with them at the games :).
Last Saturday we were able to go to Pocatello Idaho and perform! A lot of you know why this is a very special competition for me. It was a great day to be there and I'm so happy I was able to be back there again after four years! The day was filled with a lot of bittersweet memories and now I have new sweet ones to add. Westlake did amazing and swept the whole 3A devision AND WON OVERALL!! We also broke 900 (we got 918) for the first time in Westlake history. So proud of all these kids and the hard work they've put forth. Can't wait for St. George!! It's going to be a blast with these kids :). And to all my Westlake kids... I'm so grateful Heather saved me so I could come staff for you :). Every bit of it has been well worth it!

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