Wednesday, September 25, 2013

i'm still a band nerd

After graduation, sadly, some kids leave the band program. I, on the other hand, definitely am staying in it for life. The past couple of months I've gotten to work with some amazing young ladies in the Westlake Marching Band. They never cease to amaze me :). Competition season has started and I've found I'm equally excited now as I was when I was a band member at American Fork. I love seeing all the kids perform at Westlake after working hours and hours with them. They're going to have a fantastic season! 

Weber Review! I went to lunch to visit all my band buddies and they were all dressed up so pretty for their performance! You would not believe how excited I was to see them that night. I even started crying I got so sad and excited. Unfortunately they didn't get to perform because of the weather. But I got to see them that Saturday night and they did a great job and I can't wait to see how their show progresses over the next few months. All the bands at Grand Nationals better watch out ;).

Got to spend the day with my American Fork friends. They did amazing at Bridgerland! I got to sit right on the 50 and almost all the way at the top. I felt like I was still in marching band with them though when one of them texted me telling me my secret flute was Michele. That made my day :). Also-listening to "Here's to the Heroes" and "Because I Knew You" on the bus during quiet time and singing the Friend Song at the end of the night was a real tear jerker. I miss it SO much but wouldn't trade where I am right now for anything! I love my American Fork flutes just as much as my Westlake ones :).

Today while at work I had an incredible experience! A lady turned to me during lunch break and asked me: "what are Mormons?". To be honest-I panicked for a second. Nobody has ever asked me this question before! It took me a second to gather my thoughts and calm down before answering her with some of the things we believe and do. After that she just kept asking and asking! I'm SO grateful the Lord was with me to help me answer all those questions. Without the help of Him I would have failed! I'm so grateful for that opportunity! It was amazing watching her listen to me as I told her about the temple and Joseph Smith and other great things about this gospel. I kept wanting her to ask more and more questions! Why couldn't lunch break have been another hour?!

Exactly a year ago from today, my beautiful and sweet Grandmother Hill passed away. I'm so thankful for her and the wonderful life she lived on this earth. She is one of the most amazing women I know and I hope someday to be just like her. Not a day goes by I don't think of her and the love she had for the gospel and her family. You are very missed Grandma :). I love you dearly.

Life is just going great for me. I'm loving where I'm at right now but also excited for what's coming up! Especially BYU-Idaho :). Seriously can't wait to start packing and getting ready for that!! Thanks for stopping by my blog today :).

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