Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Once upon a time... a lot has happened.

So many great things have happened recently!! I feel incredibly blessed to have been given the life I have. I know that the Lord loves each and every one of us and that He wants to bless us.

1. I moved to Provo.

Sure did! I moved into Carriage Cove apartments about three weeks ago. I'm loving it. The drive to work isn't very fun... but I like to think it's quite worth it! I was blessed with three incredible roommates; Jessica, Lauren and Brittany. Each of them are so sweet and kind. I seriously couldn't have asked for better roommates.

Dallin and Hollie came and spent the night with me last Saturday night.

2. I went to the Manti Pageant.
For the first time! Our ward went on Friday and then spent the night in some cabins that someone in our ward owns. It was a lot of fun! Surely something I'll always remember. I think it's really cool how the Church does things like this!! And how amazing it was to see all of those people come together to view the Mormon miracle together.

3. We got a dog.

We got a dog? What?! His name is Koda and he is the CUTEST little pup you'll ever see.

4. Parades have started.

Oh parades... how I... love... you...... ;). We've done two parades so far - the kids are looking fantastic and sounding great. I'm looking forward to show season already.

5. My flutes were the first passed off on their parade tune.

Yes. Yes they were :). And I'm SO PROUD!! The girls set a date for them to pass off the tune and even set a consequence if they failed to meet their goal. The drum majors promised that the first section would get cake for being passed off. So, one blistering hot Thursday, the last flute passed off her parade tune and the drum majors announced to the band that the flutes were the first to be done. WHOO!! Saturday night we had a party and the majors brought them they're well deserved cakes :). Now let's be the first section passed off on show music........

6. Work, work, work.
Work has been good... as good as work can be. We had someone from our team that works from New Mexico come in for the week. For some reason his nickname is "sugar lips", so Cindy made sugar cookies in the shape of lips. I definitely am grateful for the opportunity I have to work at such a great place with such amazing people.

7. All my friends are leaving me.
Literally. EmmaLee is going on a mission. Callie is going on a mission. Brianna is going on a mission. Marissa is going back to Idaho. Syvanna is going to Florida. And me? I am in Provo :). 

BUT! I feel incredibly blessed to have been given all of these amazing friends. They've been such tremendous examples to me and have struck with me through the thick and thin and the ups and downs. We've been through a lot together and personally - I'm so thankful for the things I've learned from these beautiful ladies.

Since Syvanna and Marissa are leaving... we decided to take pictures before the three of us are in three different states. We've done this three times now! We've changed SO much.





I want a man with a motorcycle.

This is for you, Jana ;)

I'm going to miss these three lovely ladies very much. They've both been inspiring to me. They've each had their own individual struggles and trials and I've watched as we've been able to help each other through them. I've seen how much they've grown and what they've learned. It's been an incredible journey thus far and I can't wait to continue making memories. Love you both :)

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