Saturday, January 31, 2015

I should start shopping at DI

The new year has been a bit crazy to say the least. But so far, 2015 has treated me fairly well. 

We got the gang back together! It was so much fun to be with my best friends from high school for a night. We sat and chatted for hours! It's crazy to see how much we've changed in just a few short years. Some of us are dating or going to school or turning in mission papers! Even though all of our paths have gone in completely separate directions, I'm so thankful we've managed to stay as close as we are. I love each of these beautiful ladies and look up to them so much.

Lizzy (saxaphone), me, Sharie (piccolo) and Mary

Kaylee (flute), me and Sharie.

Just a few weeks ago we had our 2014 marching season band banquet. It was such a treat to be with some of my favorite people again. These kids did a fantastic job these season and I couldn't be more proud. I'm sad to see all my seniors go but know they're off to bigger and better and more exciting things. I absolutely love working with these kids and am excited to start working my third season with them. 

A few weeks ago Hollie and I went on a scavenger hunt that she had created. We went all around American Fork trying on ugly clothes at DI, ridiculously tall high heels at Payless, eating Roxberry, buying lip stick and wearing it into Walmart and trying on footie pajamas. It was so much fun spending my Saturday with her!

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