Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hastening the Work of Salvation

Now that my records have been transferred, I'm officially a member of my singles ward. Yay for being a single LDS woman........ :). Today I learned of a challenge the stake presidency had given my stake. It was to learn about all the things we can do as members to 'hasten the work of Salvation' before stake conference in September. Our lesson in Relief Society was on our talents and gifts and how we can use those to hasten the work. I also got to teach my family about this in Family Home Evening and thought, why not write it not he blog as well? :)

"The Lord has... called you to His work, and He invites you to follow Him. The invitation to follow Christ is an invitation to follow His example and become like Him." -Preach my Gospel

What are some talents the Lord has blessed you with? The ability to play trumpet? Dance? Singing? Writing? What about spiritual talents? Communication? Leadership? Faith? How can you use these talents and gifts that you were blessed with the strengthen those around you and hasten the work of the Lord? I showed my family a Mormon Message about a man from Jamaica that used his talent of running to get people to come to church. If he beat them in a race, they had to come to church. I know for me, I enjoy using my talent with music to feel the spirit. Through my playing the flute, I'm able to help others feel the spirit as well as feel the spirit myself when I listen to others play.

Each of us were blessed with different talents and gifts designed specifically and uniquely for us. The talents we have been given are used in many different ways to help others around us.

My mother is an excellent example of someone that uses her talents well. She is an amazing photographer and uses that talent to take pictures of friends and family and captures true beauty and happiness in the lives of others. She is also an amazing cook. I have seen her volunteer to feed missionaries or bring a meal to a sick family many times throughout my life and appreciate her willingness to serve those around her that are in need. She also is very diligent in all that she does and goes above and beyond to get the work done. My mother is a HUGE example in my life of a woman that I would love to become. I hope that one day I'll be half the woman she is.

For Family Home Evening we went around the room and shared a physical and spiritual talent we were blessed with. I honestly didn't think this was a hard question but realized it sometimes is difficult for us to see our talents and gifts. We're often too hard on ourselves and don't think we possess any good qualities. I promise that you do. Ask a friend or a family member what talents and gifts you were blessed with. I promise you have many. Find them, develop them, and use them to hasten the work of the Lord.

Along with the gifts and talents we were blessed with, we were also sent to earth to grow and acquire other talents and gifts. A perfect example of someone we want to strive to be like, is our Heavenly Father. He is full of love, charity, patience, kindness. He is committed, diligent, faithful, humble. He is all that and much, much more. In order to become like Christ, we must first start with a desire. A desire to become like Him. If there is no desire to become like Him, have a desire to have a desire to become like Him. It sounds weird but I know it works. The more you learn about Christ and who He was and is, the more you will want to become like Him.

I know that if were are diligent in using our talents for good and for hastening the work of the Lord, that we will be tremendously blessed. Each of us were blessed with special and amazing talents, we just need to recognize them and develop them and use them. 

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