Sunday, June 29, 2014

Trust in Me

Today was the fifth Sunday of the month so we were combined with our Elders Quorum. Our second councilor (who's name is impossible for me to spell) taught our lesson. It was exactly what I needed to hear today and I was so thankful for the spirit that filled the classroom we met in.

He handed us each a piece of paper and told us to split it into three different sections. In the top section, we wrote something we struggled with and in the second section we wrote one of our strengths. The third column we each wrote "Therefore, what". We then preceded to talk about prayer and how we should go about to receive answers to our prayers. When a thought came to our mind, we were instructed to write it in that third column.

At first this was just another lesson on prayer, but as I began to reflect on my personal prayers and the struggles I wrote down on this paper, I realized I need to do better with my personal prayers. I have so many questions to many things in my life and always complain and think about them, yet I don't take the time to really pray about them. Something that has come to my mind recently and today in particular, is the question: have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it? This can be a real tough thing to realize for someone, I know it was to me, as I admitted to myself that I've probably talked about it a whole lot more than I've prayed about it.

Our teacher asked each of us to close our eyes and raise our hands if there was something that we had unanswered in our lives. Those that could, raised their hands. After a few moments, we looked around the room to find that almost everyone in the room had their hands raised. This helped me to feel a lot better as I realized that I wasn't alone in my search to find an answer to the questions I have in my life. 

As the lesson continued, a thought came into my mind that was very distinct. "Trust in Me". I heard this over and over again and tears filled my eyes as I realized that I hadn't put my trust in the Lord. I had been hoping for things that weren't the best things to be focussing all of my attention onto. At that moment, I knew that I needed to put all of my trust into the Lord and let His will happen. This lesson truly was what I needed to hear today.

I hope that we can all learn to put our trust in the Lord and let His will be done. His plan is always better than ours in the long run. He loves us more than we could ever know. Trust in Him.

1 comment:

  1. You are such an inspiring and beautiful young woman. Thank you for this post. It helped me think about how I can improve my personal prayers too.


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