Sunday, August 18, 2013

more goodbyes

This here, is my cousin Courtney. Pretty sure she's the greatest cousin EVER! We've been best friends since day one and I'm SO happy she was placed in my life. She's been an amazing friend and example and saying goodbye to her won't be easy. I'm going to miss seeing her at grandma's and doing the many random and super fun things we always do.
Courtney, thanks for being the AMAZING person you are. I'll never forget you! You've always made me laugh my guts out and have the best time ever. I'll never forget how jealous I used to be that you had WAY better comebacks than me :).
Thanks for being you :). You've been such a great example to me in my life of someone that works hard. 
Thank you for also sharing your testimony with me and all those around you through the light of Christ that shines brightly in you. 
I'm so grateful to have you in my life and that we've been able to be such close friends the past few years of ours lives. 
I'm going to miss you SO much but can't wait to hear about all of the fun things you'll get to do this next year. 
See you soon!

cam :)

This is my dear friend Marissa. She's been one of my best friends ever since I moved to Utah. She's a friend you can't ever forget. She's always there for you, always listens, gives the best advice and is the craziest, wackiest person ever. We fought a lot growing up but I'm glad we've been able to be better friends the past few weeks before she'll leave for school.
Her, Syvanna and I were practically inseparable. We've been as close as sisters since all three of us met.
Marissa, thanks for being one of the greatest friends to me. You've been so kind and loving to me ever since we met and for that I'll be forever grateful. 
I'm sure going to miss seeing you when you're gone at BYU-Idaho. But I know you'll move on to better things and meet new people that will learn to love you in the way I did.
Thanks for your example to me. You've always had a strong testimony and you're part of the reason mine is as strong as it is. Keep the light of Christ shining brightly in you. 
Thanks for being you :). I love how you've never changed for anyone or anything no matter what. You know you're a daughter of God and that He loves you and that alone is pretty amazing :).
I hope you have SOOO much fun at BYU-I. I'll see you in January :)!


Caitlin is another one of my band friends :). We played flute together ever since we were both in 7th grade and did four years of marching band together. But her last year she decided to do drum major. And she was awesome.
I pretty much LOVE this picture! And I love Caitlin! She's always SO much fun to be around and she's always a positive and happy person. There is never a dull or negative moment with Caitlin.
Caitlin, thanks so much for being such an amazing friend the past couple of years. I'm never going to forget you! 
Thanks for being such a great example to me with everything you do in your life. Thanks for always being happy and for smiling.
Thank you for all of the memories!! I hope we'll have many, many more. Good luck in college! I know you're going to do great and you'll have a blast!! I'll sure miss you! :)

This girls is simply amazing. I knew of Sabrina throughout Jr. High and a little bit of high school before I actually met and became friends with her. Now I just love her to death. And, I realized we don't have ANY pictures of you and I. Sabrina-we FAIL!!
Sabrina is my backyard neighbor and I've loved having her be so close. We became really good friends this year and seeing her go off to college is just SO sad!! I can't believe she's leaving me!!
Sabrina was our Laurels president (an AMAZING one at that) and called me as her Secretary. I had SO much fun serving with Sabrina and am so happy she called me to be her Secretary :).
Sabrina, thank you SO much for being my friend. You have been one of the most amazing examples to me and I hope you know that. You've been there for me and have given the best advice about a lot of things.
I'm so happy we were able to have english together last year-even though it felt like the most pointless class.
Thank you for always being so willing to share your testimony. You have such a bright light in you and I just love it! I love your smile and your laugh and everything about you! Thank you for being so nice to me.
I know we were only friends for a little while but like you said: "now that you're in my life-you aren't leaving".
I hope you have a great time in college! PLEASE keep in touch!! Sure do love you!
Thanks for all the memories :)

Good luck to all of you!! Work hard and have tons of fun! I'm going to miss you all SO much! Can't wait to see you when you come back.

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