Wednesday, August 7, 2013

first post

Thanks for visiting my new blog! I'm excited that this is now up and running! I've been waiting for something to blog about until I made the switch "official". 

Obviously I'm no "college chick" yet but I am very excited to leave for BYU-Idaho in just five short months. The year has gone by so quickly and hopefully it will continue to do so as I anxiously await the time when I'll be in college!!

Some quick updates: Band camp has come and gone, and although the week was very long and hot, I'm beginning to miss the time I spent with the band, but mainly the flute section. Regular practices have been going on and we've got the whole show on the field and the pre-game show. They are learning SO much so quickly and I couldn't be more proud of every single one of them. I started out with three rookies in the section and now can hardly tell which ones are rookies they've all improved so much. We still have a lot of work to do but this years show will be one to remember.
All the amazing Woodwinds at Westlake High School with Jamie, me & Mary in front.

My hours at Masterpiece Dental are almost finished!! I am SO happy!! After 300 hours of working, cleaning, observing, sterilizing and sitting for free... I am very ready to be out of that office and on my way to different things. I've been looking for a job for a few weeks now but haven't found a job yet. Hopefully my next blog post will announce my long awaited job offer!

School starts in just 2 weeks and I'm getting excited for my younger siblings!! Syd will be at the big High School and I couldn't be more excited for her! High school, for me, was a good three years. I hope she'll be able to have a good experience too. Ash will be in 8th grade at the jr. high and Dallin and Hollie will be in 3rd and 5th grade at Legacy. It's crazy how fast time is going! I remember when I got to hold Dallin for the first time. But I love seeing how excited they both get. I'm SO excited for the "back to school fashion show". Mostly because I don't have to be a part of it. SCORE! But I always love watching my brother and sisters get so into it.

MY 18TH BIRTHDAY is in 17 days!!! I can hardly wait until I can officially say I am 18 years old. I've been filling out TONS of applications and almost every single one of them ask: "are you at least 18 years of age?". I will admit, I put yes. Only to quickly write underneath that I will be 18 on August 23. It will be nice not to have to write that on applications anymore. Although hopefully I won't be filling out applications still by then.

All my friends leave soon :(. They're all going off to college and leaving me hear all by myself :(. I could probably cry but I know they'll be having their own amazing time while I'm here waiting for my turn to be in school.

Lagoon with the Marks (extended family on my mom's side)

This year we went to Lagoon for a family reunion since my grandparents just got back from serving a mission at the family and history center in Salt Lake City, UT. We were able to go on the 4th of July and enjoy the very short lines all day long.

This kid is my absolute favorite. What I'd do without him I have no idea. I love playing with him. Hanging with him. Fighting with him. Snuggling with him. You name it. He's been an absolute blessing in my life ever since day 1! I remember I wanted a brother so bad and when my mom called to tell us it was a boy tears filled my eyes. He's such a goof ball but I love him to pieces. I loved being at Lagoon with him because he gets so excited to go on all the rides! Except a few. We won't go into much detail but there was much screaming, tears, and fighting as I pulled him onto Wicked and Colossus. Needless to say he loved them both.

Me and some of my cute cousins (left to right: me, Courtney, Sydnee, Tyler, Cassidy). I love my cousins! I'm glad we're all such good friends.

St. George Trip with the Marks

This year we were ALL able to go to St. George as an extended family. We were able to see 'Mary Poppins' at the Tuacahn theater. It was such a fun trip and I'm so happy I have such an amazing family. I have been so blessed and not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for each and every member of my family.

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