Tuesday, December 15, 2015

what will i give?

This is my absolute favorite time of year (aside from the beautiful fall season). The crisp chill in the air. The piping hot chocolate. Silver Bells. Candy canes and peppermint sticks. Chocolate oranges. Icicles. The mittens and ear muffs. Marshmallow puffy coats. The sleds and snow boards. The rosy red cheeks and ears. Caroling. Temple square. Letters to Santa. Christmas wreaths and trees. The twinkling lights. Nativity scenes. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Secret Santa's and coat drives. Red and green. The family gatherings and parties. Ugly sweaters. Ice skating and igloos. Boots and scarves. The crackling fire place. Countdowns and Christmas chains. The crisp, white snow. Presents under the tree. Santa Clause at the Mall. Sales and discounts. Kisses under the mistletoe. Snow angels. Gingerbread houses. The Grinch and Cindy Lou Who. Apple Cider. Stockings and garland. New pajamas. The smell of oranges and cinnamon.

With all of the hustle and bustle it can sometimes be hard to focus on the real meaning of the season. I know that I've found myself caught up in the worry of wondering what gift to buy. Or making sure that I don't miss the big Christmas sale at the store. I get wound up in wanting everything to be perfectly perfect that I tend to forget to think about what truly matters.

A few weeks ago I was asked to teach the relief society lesson and I only had a day to prepare before I got up in front of a large group of single women. The topic I was assigned focused a lot on Christ's life. I began reading about each of the many different attributes our Savior and Brother possessed...

Patience. Humility. Knowledge. Virtue. Temperance. Love. Kindness. Faith. Long suffering. Charity. Hope. Brotherly kindness. Godliness. Diligence. Obedience. Service. Good works. Forgiveness.

And oh so much more.

I couldn't help but feel completely overwhelmed as I realized all of the pain, suffering, mockery, and afflictions that our Savior endured during His life on earth.

Yet, despite all of the many trials He experienced, He maintained patience. He forgave. He reflected hope. He served. He emulated the light of our Father in Heaven. He was charitable. He loved. He was kind. And  He was good.

I began to think of all of the little things that happen on a daily basis that cause me to so easily lose my patience. Or my temper. I thought of all the minuscule things that make it so simple to say an unkind thing or think an unkind thought. I'm certain that that magnitude of what our Savior went through greatly surpasses anything that I will ever experience.

My heart was filled with gratitude for my Savior. I was again reminded of not just the pain and suffering He experienced, but of all the miracles He performed and the goodness He shared. My memory was refreshed of the blessings and the light that have come from His life.

I sat at my computer, reading once more what I would be sharing the next day in relief society. It was a perfect start to the Christmas season - reminding myself of what truly matters most: the life of our Savior.

"When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit." -Thomas S. Monson

With Christmas only a few short days away, I challenge each of us to keep the Spirit of Christ in our Christmas spirit. It's easy to overlook the sweet baby boy born that long time ago to Mary and Joseph in the stable full of farm animals. Easy to forget the miracles He performed and the goodness He spread wherever He walked. Easy to forget the lives He touched. The lives He changed.

It's easy to forget when we're replacing our gratitude with thoughts of getting presents or making the best pie for the ward Christmas party.

I hope that as we continue to experience this magical time of year, that we take a few moments out of our crazy schedules to express our gratitude to our loving Savior, Jesus Christ and reflect on His beautiful life. He truly is in every single detail of not just this Christmas season, but every single day of our lives.

I hope that as we seek out gifts for our loved ones, that we will also make the time to give to our Savior. By lending a helping hand to the elderly man shoveling his snow in the cold. By sharing our goodies with the widow a few doors down. By giving to those that have less than us. By sharing our precious time with someone in need. Or by making a promise to practice patience. A goal to strive to learn more of Christ. Or time spent enveloped in the scriptures and the words of our prophets.

"What will you and I give for Christmas this year? Let us in our lives give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following His footsteps." -Thomas S. Monson

I hope that while you're enjoying this most wonderful time of year, that you pause for just a brief moment and ask yourself what you will be giving for Christmas this year to the One who has given you everything.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Click here to watch "A Savior is Born" video - my favorite part of this video is the joy and respect that come from the children's faces and voices. You can see the love that they have for Christ.

Click here to watch a video on the Attributes of Christ

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